related to their petition in may 2011 and now it's may 2013 and in between there's been, you know, kwiefl efforts by staff and the venue to fix the sound problem. we felt we have not been successful at our level so we bring it to you you're the policy committee that oversees what staff does. it's time for you to give us direction. i know that the venue is here and they can speak for themselves on what they've done. i hope the neighbors are here to talk about their experience over the two years ago. i know they came before you for a permit. i'll let - if you have questions initially or we can continue >> i want to ask a couple of questions on the sound system between 8:30 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. you have varies locations listed. i want to be sure i understand. the first one on the sidewalk. the d b you took four redirect examination. i want to know and then so the next one is the venue front door it then goes up to 73 and 72 and then the venue main room between that and 94 and then the upstairs office stop me when i'm wrong and is roof is 59 and 23 wood ward is anywhere from 41 to 48 and then