whatever we do locally, whether i work with livia cohen as we are making illegal the possession of hollow point munition that has no place in our society here, we know that if the next county over doesn't do the same thing or the next region, it will come in very easily. we have to work locally, regionally and nationally. and so as we do these things i'm going to continue to talk about our need to support senator feinstein's national effort for the assault weapons ban that she had in the 90's and that expired in 2004. it's going to be a lot more comprehensive and we need to have that. it's going to be an uphill fight, as president obama has reminded us, but we have it keep talking about it. we have to keep it in the forefrupt. we have to keep the pictures of our youth in front of us in everything that we do. this is what i am willing to do and again continue asking everybody for help in the city because the more i do that, the more of the graciousness of our community comes out because this is not something that just law enforcement can do, it's got to be our whole society acting together