. >> emily, crafilsa, manny torez and samar and chris holmes and alan, harnet. and karin lee. and andy new, and david pridwell. like a couple of other people, i'm david troop. and there is no question that this proposal does not represent something that is necessary for the neighborhood with the other starbucks and numerous other coffee shops nearby. the neighborhood is under attack for removing that commercial uniqueness that is really the vitality of the neighborhood that brings the visitors, you know, when so much of the neighborhood becomes cookie cutter and homogonous to any other place in america, what reason is there for them to come and visit the castro? putting other neighborhood businesses that are unique, out of business, because starbucks is a very effective competitor, that definitely, makes this an undesirable project. should you be inclined to support it and then i would really like you to think about the process issue that the preapplication meeting for this project had anything of you happen to have wondered in i think that you would have been shocked at how t