you'll get his statement that sounds like he's championing ralph nadar. he's wound up.staff and he's not getting the access. but this is a roll back from say when the world trade organization and nafta was negotiated. but this time it's totally secret. why? well, what you just listed in that agreement, that is not an agreement that is going to fare well if the public knows what it's getting into, which is part of the reason why we work so hard to drag it in the sunshine. if it's good agreement great we'll love it, it will pass congress. but if not it should not be railroaded though congress in the darkness. >> cenk: thou does the agreement get rid of food and safety regulations, if it does, and allow the bankers, etc. run wild. >> this is the recovering--i'm a recovering trade attorney. this is the translation. there is a binding rule that says every signature cores shall abide. five have to do with trade. financial regulation will require to comport all of our laws to those limits. sort of like handcuffs on congress. so for instance just on financial regulations one ex