shell b.p. exxon mobil and the chinese cineplex of already got their hands on the bulk of last we reach best from the euphrates and the tigris meet. travellers once called the city of venice of the south. who comes to kill us and destroy our country and good before we said it the americans but the americans have gone and now my general so who else is continuing the job. that nobody knows of there's no work in the situation is unlivable i say yes it was better before. conversely if we talk about security and civic respect we can say it was a hundred percent better under saddam. today there's no respect for the citizens as if we were no longer men that's the truth that's honestly what i feel for ya. we are less and less respected before an iraqi could walk by this head held high anywhere in the world and especially at home as long as the state was not affected or undermined things have changed a lot i can tell you that the situation was much better before. the venice of the self was awash with detritus of all kinds half of the inhabitants are unemployed it's a humanitarian