steve ritchie and i have begun working on how we might choreograph a presentation to you. that will go on in the next several weeks once he gets back to japan. we are working on it and look forward to it. the second item commissioner moran referenced was rate structure. todd and i discussed that yesterday. we had hoped to do some work, preliminary work on that this fiscal year. our time was consumed with the preparation issuance of the bonds so we did not make headway we had hoped. and it is something that did appear on the list of item that we presented to our board last month, as we presented our preliminary budget, work plan and budget to them. and we said -- we had some financial constraints. and we said, this is an issue that would be of great benefit to the wholesale customers to coordinate with san francisco on the assessment of what rate structures might be, what alternatives might make sense for both parties. however, it is not as vital to the success of our agency as a number of other issues that are very critical and very time intensive. so, we have not budgeted