we are happy here to begin our eia conference, dr. moniz. [applause] >> thank you, adam, for the introduction. in fact, adam referred to my last go round in the department. i would note that come in that time, adam was in the private sector. we benefited from his advice and observations on how energy markets were developing and how to draw upon that advice on a more regular fashion. he also mentioned that, two years ago, with his red assessor, richard newell, he had a chance to address this conference. he may not know that the started out to be a panel. when people thought i was on it, they'll withdrew. the panel became by de facto a keynote address. he is laughing because he knows it's true. anyway, it is a pleasure to be here. speaking of the second tour of duty, i have said this a number of times. many have questioned the judgment of one returning to the department. i then invoke the theory of samuel jackson. i come back with a lot of hope that we will in fact be able to move the ball forward on a number of important issues in the departm