also, kevin bailey, from ohio, who shot at cops and hit one before they shot in self-defense and killed him and dorner and tsarnaev. my question to you is, does this completely delegitimize this list? >> this is business for usually for the anti-second amendment crowd. the true numbers don't like. these guys like to lie about the numbers. i suppose and i don't want to speak for the left or for allen here. i suppose they think even bad guys killed by a gunshot are somehow still victims of gun violence. they are very real numbers that ought to get our attention. they love to throw around this 30,000 deaths a year due to gun violence. 18-20,000 of those are suicides. you can't give me the malarky, if they didn't have the gun, they wouldn't kill themselves. in a country like japan that only has 41% of our population, 30,000 to 35,000 people in japan kill themselves without guns. the whole practice is deception. it is to take numbers and twist and distort them in a way that offends everybody. frankly, this whole mayors against illegal guns, just title, enough is goopy. that ought to be eye-r