kori schake, you write the department of state employee roster has some the hundred foreign service officers coming 11,000 civil servants and 42,000 foreign nationals and in 2009 and those that took the written test competing for roughly 1,000 jobs. those selected have college degrees and the 11 years of prior work experience before coming to the foreign service. two-thirds of the people selected come in with postgraduate degrees degrees, 80 percent have lived overseas, foreign service officers are awarded tenure after four years, 95 percent of the serving officers receive tenure. almost all the diplomats are concentrated in only 30 countries more than 2,000 in iraq and afghanistan. what is wrong with state? [laughter] >> there are several things wrong with the state. although an institution that ought to be good at its job and could be, with careful managerial attention, the main problem is even by their own description they're not hiring people that have the skills they say they need for contemporary diplomacy. they're not hiring the right people and as you pointed out they keep them and d