today we're rehr vealing how your dreams can fix your biggest health problems. what do your dreams know that your doctors don't? world renowned dream expert is here to tell us. i love dreams. i love talking about them. help us understand how they give us clues about our health. >> i studied them more than 25 years and read more than 55,000 dreams and interpreted them. for me not paying attention to your dreams would be as silly as not taking blood pressure and not knowing cholesterol numbers. one of the natural tools we have. the window on our subconscious mind. and subconscious mind is fascinating. it has kept an archive of everything you have ever done, every illness you ever had, every allergy is recorded there and our dreams are one of the ways a subconscious tries to communicate. so you might be having symptoms and you go to the doctor and the doctor -- the very best of doctors are detective sometimes. we have to try something and rule it out. subconscious might be trying to assist you and give some clues. dr. oz: you argue there's one recurring dream, one