now, roger smith did see -- he, in some ways, had some vision of the future, but it was a vision, and what he tried to do to fix it was not successful and was not cape capable of making mid course corrections. he tried to do a lot of automation without recognizing that was not the japanese secret. he bought shoes hoping to -- that these high-tech companies would crack the gm culture, but he treated them like financial transactions. he never really saw that the functionally integrate them into general motors was a very different kind of job, and they never were functionally integrated into general motors. he brought in a lot of people from the outside at vice president levels, which was never done before hoping that would update the culture, but every one of those people he brought in, johnson, deputy director of oak ridge laboratories, he brought in bob frost, who had been head of nasa. he brought in elmer johnson, all kinds of very high level people, and every one of us, male or female, either retiredded or left the company frustrated because we could not crack that culture. don't mi