our 5 car is daily city border and the ocean car on the side. our demographics our population agencies compromise backing black 4.3 percent and white almost 40 percent. almost 16 percent are 65 and older and almost 17 percent are 17 and increase. i have a one hundred and 7 sworn officers at the states and that includes me. for the captain staff i have two sivendz it's my clerk and on day office. i have 3 sergeant's and two sivendz. the two sivendz are station duty officers. in the thirty officers i have 3 school cars and one homeless outreach officer. i have two lieutenants and 40 officers at night and the two sivendz again are station d officers and that comprised my swing shift. on the investigator team i have one officer and that officer is the video retrieval. i have one sergeant and 8 officers here. and generally they stay in this car sectors the 6 car sector because historically that has the most crime and they work plain clothes. i have 15 percent female officers the rest over 5 years of '73 percent of officers have modern 5 years. apolog