in terms of empowing pe,willhesd possibly burned, how do they reintegrated into their families and society? >> the organization we are working with, they have a lot of experience in domestic violence. how to empower these women, they know how to do it. they focus on the strength of these women. they'd don't see them as victims. now, they are dealing with urns, so there are a lot of different issues, like the issue of appearance. how to deal with that. their staff is not necessarily totally knowledgeable in this area. what they are doing now is we are giving them this knowledge to deal with the goal issues and emotional issues that are beyond domestic violence. >> in addition to the two international projects that you have, you must be planning on some others. can you share what are some of the priorities that go into your valuation process or strategizing process of identifying or entering into another cooperation project in the future. what would you considerity factors. have they done a specialized training program? will these things be important in terms of a future strategizing process