importance of individual striving and initiative and he rejects class warfare and he has this ironclad fidelity to the free institutions and founders and we're supposed to believe that barack obama is a natural heir to him, which i just totally reject. and i think it's so important for us to focus on lincoln at this time. because i think there is a crisis of opportunity in america. a lot of focus over inequality, which is genuinely grown over the last several decades. some of it is inevitable in a free society. we should focus on mobility and do people like lincoln. do they have a chance to rise up for nothing in this country. the fact is that we are not as mobile as we think. there are western european countries that are more mobile than we are, other english speaking countries and scandinavian countries that are more mobile than we are. as always we have a large part to do with broad economic trends and culture and a social breakdown that we are seeing in this country with the breakdown of family and the work ethic and then i think it is the individual breakdown of who's is who to consider wh