nathes. -- nation. that's another, i think, unfortunately, a nail in the coffin. host: when it comes to the individual mandate, jay carney was asked questions about the affordable care act and he talked about how the affordable care act makes concessions for those who are individuals and low-income. here's what had he to say. get your response to it. >> what it allows is the opportunity for individuals to -- who could not prior to passage of the affordable care act afford certain insurance, to get insurance. and it provides subsidies for those who need help in affording it. and it assists businesses in that effort so that they can provide insurance to their employees. host: under that, giving assistance to individuals, so there are already things according to jay carney. guest: let's understand what's going on here. individuals are being forced into this. who are those individuals who would otherwise opt out if they are young, healthy individuals? and what we are finding is that their cost, their subscriber cost, premiums, are going to double or triple. and the reason for that is, if you're going to bring people i