that sort of emerge relation that we have is considered anti- pedicle to have a vibrant -- vibrantical to having a eight, me. -- writes --ght's >> in your conclusion, what you call for it heavy regulation of digital, natural monopolies or convergence of them to nonprofit services every what you mean and how would you do that? how would you regulate some of these companies? >> we look at a company like google or amazon, most people in america, you see a much market power they have. do tok how come we can't build what we did to at&t and break it up too much smaller competitive companies? it will have the benefits without the monopoly. the problem with that as a solution and why nobody takes that seriously is the reason why these companies are monopolies is the technology. for social facebook -- or if i have a choice to go to joe blow, i will go to facebook. if i go to joe blow, it will be a waste of my time. everybody is going to use the number one service as a rule. there may be a second like google plus. the network economics pushing toward monopoly. if you are in a situation where can