i am rebecca rhyme and with the municipal executive association and i want to know this is an examplethe story that doesn't get told about government working together with employees and retirees and the citizens to do the right thing for right reason. good public policy that is good for public employees. we committed to this process in 2008 to deal with retiree health care and pensions. this is part of making sure that employee benefits for public employees are sustainable. in this case it's about making sure the money is used as intended and available when needed and these are on-going efforts that keep the promises and for programs and resources. i am grateful to supervisor farrell for bringing us in early, asking for input, listening when we talked about the steps we already taken and acknowledging them, and i want to say i think it's part of a much larger discussion that includes transparency and accountability from the providers and health care reform and structure and it's really about getting maximum value for every dollar that we spent so the municipal executive's association