in sayreville and south river, between those two, we will 500,000 homes in those areas. coasts will go down the and offer the same kind of deals to others. >> >> once you buy the homes and you are in the position with the land and whatever remains, what are you going to do? what are you going to do with the land? >> passive use and try to set it up so we know it floods there -- let's use the lands and work the terrain to try to protect other parts of town. use natural approaches that will allow us to slow water down as it goes through. not walls, but natural types of structures, but nothing on the land for any human use. what we want to do is to use it as a buffer against neighborhoods that are closer. >> is their federal money to help to do that, to restore the land to its natural condition? >> yes,and the hazard mitigation funds we are getting in the aid package, it helps us to mitigate against future hazards. >> if you do this and complete this project in a given community, will it have any effect on the availability and cost of flood insurance for the people that rem