face because if he had a plasma screen tv while unnmployed it is harder to do that when you know, teopleting you. there is more to this than just what we ll cut the wheat allowed to merge after that. john: to counter your optimism from twitter a file clerk says is untrue this austerity will only go on to hurt the pork? >> we like to think it does that most government spending goes to the rich and nolass people. john: food stamps and medicaid. >> that is a tiny portion there's a lot of things to cut before we get to the poor corporate welfare or in time of programs that go to rich people whyhould everybody contribute to social security and everyy the get some money back? reserve for the people who are poured it is not to pay for health care and retirement who are able. >> but they said it encourages people to not to say if we don't need to save the government saves for us then we get more spending. john: katchis sarcasm. [laughter] >> if the government is deemed irresponsible because of rampant spending what is your solution to that same government to dcide responsibly what to cut and wha