adel is joining us from lanham, maryland. independent line, good morning. caller: thank you. a comment about a couple of the calls you received. the muslim brotherhood is not a violent organization. over 85% of the members are intellectuals, engineers, and university professors. with many other parties, the brotherhood have been peacefully demonstrating for six weeks. our mments, i believe it government must support democrat graphically elected government and president. our government should not support any regime that kills its own peaceful demonstrating people in three different massacres. our government must suspend aid to egyptian military. i'm hoping president obama will mention this today. thank you very much. hubie: thanks. jason has this, we need to close our global checkbook and redirect that spending at home. join in on the conversation at slash --/c-span. egypt has been at war with itself for centuries, according to obama haters, this fight is all his fault. if he had not been supporting the muslims, this never would have happened. so what is a legitim