but i do like the idea -- [laughter] i do like the cry dee of just sweating and getting it all out. michaelhing. michael: i can just go sit in the steam room. nicole: but you want to stretchby the way the heat does help you relax, you know that. so maybe it helps you relax and get into those positions. by the way, i have no idea what i'm talking about, am i right? gelman: they're saying it doesn't burn anymore calories. michael: what do you think? nicole: it's good for your muscles. gelman: it's cleansing, but it doesn't necessarily burn more calories. michael: it helps you cleansing and loosen up your muscles, helps you relax. i get the same benefit, seriously, in a steam room sitting back like that, because i'm relaxed and i'm loose and i'm chilling! without the grunting. [laughter] but then heating up the room when you work out? nicole: that's what we do. michael: i had to do this work out with kelly, the a.k. technique, they put the heat on. that's ridiculous. i'm already hot working out. i got on layers, i go with sleeves on because i like to work out with sleeves. i'm almost butt nake