ms. yellin. and they're both terrific people i think its perception that mr. summers might have an insight track simply had to do with a bunch of attacks that i was hearing on mr. summers preemptively which is sort of a standard washington exercise, that i don't like. because when somebody has worked hard for me and worked hard on behalf of the american people, and i know the quality of those people and i see them getting slapped around in the president for no reason, before they've even been nominated for anything, then i want to make sure that somebody is standing up for them. i felt the same way when people were attacking susan rice before she was nominated for anything. so you know, i tend to defend folks who i think have done a good job and don't deserve attacks. but i consider them both outstanding candidates. my main criteria, i've stated this before but i want to repeat it, my main criteria for the fed reserv reserve-- reserve chairman is somebody who understands they've got a dual mandate. a critical part of the job is making sure that we keep inflati