because so many folks have said so many important things about the needs of lgbt seniors but i am seth killborn. i am the execute execute of open house. our mission is enable lgbt seniors to overcome the challenges that they reach and providing housing and direct services and community building programs and before i give an update on 55 laguna and where we are with that and highlight a couple of themes i have heard throughout today and one of the theme for lgbt seniors to work with groups like open house, to work with groups like aids housing alliance and tenant rights groups to get ourselves organized about getting into some of these lotteries for affordable housing. other communities are better organized than we are in terms of getting their folks placed and as i think brian said or somebody said earlier it's a numbers game. we need to get more lgbt senior folks educated about how the lottery process works, get them the applications, make sure they're in the pools. even if it takes years we need to get more people into the mix and that ties into the update on 55 laguna and what open house doe