sim vironment syllis leading the anti fracking campaign and and his the reasons now according to the way system ations five hundred years worth of gas supply is lying beneath britain right now so how we shall get such extract to that well is haven't so the process of fracking involves drilling a hole deep into the dent shell rocks that contain contain the natural gas and pumping in a very high pressure of vast quantities of of water mixed with sand in chemicals this opens up these tiny fishes in the wrong now through which the trapped gas can then escape it bubbles out and is captured and brings it all the way to the surface and then and then its point count now i asked chris we senior partner with advisory whether fracking is the way forward for britain now as to what it practically have an overall economy of course is very much to go question if the u.k. developed the resourced standards to optimised. see no question about it we consider the door energy basically energy cost of the street a boost to comparisons of the manufacturers an industry. in general and that's what the u.k. g