and i think that the interesting thing is that she named that number tabatha babbot. which is a woman, who is credited with inventing the circular saw in the 1800s. and when she and paul lived on guy place in racon hill there must have been some dispute, and i don't know of the particulars, but she began an organization and a neighborhood group called the rekontenakious tenants or rin tin tin for short. also i found these in our photo library. this is a picture of the landmarks preservation advisory board as i think that this was a picture of the design review committee because there are only four of us there. and marsh was our secretary on the left. and myself, alice, and michael crow, and gene, and here is that little better shot. and if i believe that it was a design review, and june was a historian and her husband was karl cordum and the head of the maritime museum and michael crow was a historian and was very interested in architecture and wrote a book on that subject. and alice, second from the left, and then we won't identify the other person. any way, thank yo