u.f.o. watchers have been waiting for half a century, a newly declassified c.i.a. documentonfirms the existence of the famed area 51 in nevada. the spy agency offers no proof of aliens. >> area 51. where the military -- >> for the past 50 years, classified experiments involving extra terrestrial technology. >> area 51, the secret nevada location long the subject of why would conspiracy theories about u.f.o.'s time travel and even alien autopsies and today a newly declassified c.i.a. document confirms its existence but offers no proof of aliens in the desert. area 51 was started as a testing site for the u.s.'s government u-2 spy plane during the cold war. >> they obviously didn't want the soviet union to know about it and they wanted a facility where it could be tested away from everybody else. >> for years the u.s. government denied the existence of the secret facility, as stated in this 1998 official document. >> neither the air force nor the department of defense owns or operates any location known as area 51. >> the report makes no mention of the legendary roswell incid