things is the rental insurance is still a pretty good deal whereas the homeowners policy is not very atrack tiory -- >> it's a three-year bay back through insurance. >> the renter's insurance doesn't give you a place to live, it just covers your stuff. >> >> it's still a decedent -- >> the impact of an earthquake on renters and people who are covered under rent control is one ofçó the mostÑiÑi serious is of the housing picturet rental market is -- >> and -- >> (inaudible). >> if you take too long you're going to have problems. if you take too short, you're going to have problems. the best thing you can do is plan out now, orÑi at least stat the discussion of what you're going to do, forçó example, in south mancht those areas that you know are going to get hammered or valencia street, which is an old lake, we know where the damage is most likely to occur -- >> we know the nature of the damage and where it's likely to occur but how long is the window of opportunity to do this going to be open? right now we have the earthquake sen ten natural and on the coat tails ofñr katrina issue, how lg befor