to do it, i know nr's a lot of politics at play, this shouldn't be a political body and i hope you fiekt it from ever becoming a political body. >> can we lay that to rest. there's politics on both sides of this issue, so to ascribe one side being more political than the other just isn't right. >> if you let me finish, that was my very point, i want you to be the policy makers, to make the good decisions, you heard multiple people who came up here who lined about staff not doing their jobs complimenting them today, i think that's a major accomplishment, if you have concerns about that, that's okay, we're still not finished building it, let's address those concerns over the next six month,, aprover the rate today, and then come back to you and say are you happy with this or not rkts you can individually write let teaser the supervisors and let them know what your concerns are and they can come back and say some of the issues, [inaudible] deal with this issue while