it's been years since the fukushima earth wake. but still things are littered on the coast. they've seen debris from japan at a growing rate since last fall. they've picked up refrigerator parts, large buoys, even a fishing boat from japan. >> it's disheartening to see debris washing up from other countries. >> the tsunami dumped $1.5 million tons of debris into the pacific. government biologists say plastic items were taken from a stomach of a baby bird. researchers are finding toys, lighters and plastic bags in fish. we're hoping the images that you see will help people worldwide to under the risks to the oceans and food supply. elizabeth is the president of deep exploration research marine, has a research company in emeryville that builds custom vehicles to explore the deep sea. thanks for being here. >> thanks for having me. >> i want to talk about fukushima plant problem. >> the plant located at the edge of the ocean. you know so much radiation leaked out directly into the sea. not calculated how much came out or how much is still laeing out. of course this is carried o