i'm jackie sax i'm a member of the citizens advisory committee i've been involved with the item open gary boulevard since 1986 and back then i was appointed to the gary transit task force to look at the feasibility of the gary light rail system and this sort of thing but it was put in the sales tax passage. the gary light rail project is the only project that was grandfathered. and the gary rapid transit project is supposed to be rail ready. also you have to remember that it's a central sub by the way, there's a stop at the union square and there's a spur at union square for the gary light rail system and you're going to have to go before the voters to authorize and extend that. so you have to take the all that take into consideration. and also the way the gary task force final report came out we would have a service from gary and market to gary and laguna and go out the center strip to fillmore to masonic and straight out to the beach. read the final report of the gary task force and it was published in 1990 and all the other work published regarding a light rail system on gary boul