scientists like jim hanson, the people on the leading edge, they are now saying hey, look, with 4% more water vapor in the atmosphere every storm is global warming now. there's a global warming component of every storm. so these fires out in the west, you know, they're predicting in many regions of the west a 300, 400, 500, even 600% increase in the meetian area burned with another one or two degrees increased. this report says the increase could be as high as five degrees celsius by the end of this century. this is insane we have quad quadrupled the global population. 80% of the energy powering this economy is based on carbon fuels and yet our way of thinking about the connection between the present and the future has not adjusted to this carbon bubble, this discontinuity, this disruption in the relationship between human civilization and the ecological system of the planet. is this generation has to face up to this challenge. it's the biggest challenge we have ever faced. one of the things i'm so grateful for what the clinton global initiative is doing and climate reality and lots of