good afternoon, michael carlin, manager. i'm going to give you a brief update activity since the last time we've talked and show you some pictures and i'm going to ask mr. rydstrom to talk about the cost associated with recovery and those discussions. just to recap the summary of the fire, as of yesterday 257,000 acres and containment is going to be done by november 1st. if you remember originally it was september 20th and that has changed. the fire has gone into two percent of the hatchy water, but it's less than that. we have confirmation from our folks and from the federal teams that have been on the ground going in the burned areas. and part of the strategy that they have right now that is uncontained in the steeper areas in cherry water is smoldering out and we did have rain that fall. there was no significant run off and it did aid in the fire suppression efforts knocking it down. we still have a smoldering fire at this point in time. of course now it hasn't really affected our act to serve our customers high quality w