later at his retirement in kidder hook, n.y.. -- angelica them during would and abraham would spend the summer months here. occasionally, also the winter months, but they would spend the summer months here. in the dining room, angelica van buren would serve as a hostess. van buren had many social events, political events. and during those times, angelico would be hostess for those occasions, just as she was at the white house. she was quite refined, being that she was a wealthy and had all the appropriate social graces of the time, so much so that the ambassador from france who was purdue the critical of american social graces complimented her. later, he added another 100 acres on to the 130 acres they had here. typically, the women in the house would engage in a variety of activities, polite conversation, read or recite from memory to one another. they would often play parlor games in here. anjelica was trained in philadelphia on the heart. there were occasions she would have played a part for the other female guests here in the greenroom. this is the breakfast room here. it is a much