here, 'cause don't forget this distance above to that straight line is a 5 meter drop, which tells us how satellites operate. newton talked about that years ago. newton says consider a mountain high enough to be, not above gravity, a lot of people think above gravity, no, no, no, no, to be above the drag of the atmosphere. put a cannon on there and fire that cannonball and guess how fast it'll orbit. 8 kilometers per second... what you do is you orbit all the way around-- you're falling all the time, fall, fall, fall without ever hitting the ground. so that speed will put you in orbit. so next time you're watching the television set and you see they're gonna put some satellite into orbit, see the rocket go off. rocket climbing, climbing, climbing. pretty soon you'll see the rocket start to go sideways, right? should it? --better. what if just went... right back down, see? so it'll go up, gotta get up above the air drag and it's getting up, up, up and now it's gonna get level. and when it starts to get level, down below at mission control, they're pushing that thing up to guess how fast? past tense of eat, 8, okay?