. >> hi, supervisor, my name is susan fang, i'm a health policy [inaudible] with the chinese progressive association, i was also born and raised in san francisco, i'm currently a medical student, so you know, i'm really proud that san francisco, having been born and raised here, that san francisco has taken leadership to making health care accessible to everyone and achieve health equity. so, we talk about how folks are being left out and how some people are still not going to be covered and not be able to afford health care even with the subsidies, in the exchange, a high cost city like our, but i want to challenge us for why health care is good for business and rethink what it means to be a good business and push beyond just thinking about maximizing profits. we want to think about -- i want to think about the employer spending requirement as like an investment into the business, just as we would invest in, you know, reservations in a business, the spending requirement is an investment in the business and the workers making sure that folks are able to live and sustain themselves, incre