tyria turning it into a living pesticide factories causing toxic immune responses inside of us so whether it's the bacteria was soil or the bacteria in our gut this stuff is pervasive furthermore roundup kills beneficial got bacteria and it doesn't kill the nasty stuff like salmonella botulism nicolae now we know that the good bacteria is extremely important for health for the digestive track for the just digestive system for the immune system when you kill the beneficial good bacteria that problem is linked with a whole host of diseases which have been on the rise in the u.s. population since roundup has been you used in such high quantities well that's really scary. i know they were huge and time monsanto protests across the united states and canada back in may who where there are guys who turned out in support of it just really shortly because we're out of time the facebook post came about a march against monsanto they expected a few thousand. they got more than two million protesters in fifty two countries this shows just how concerned and how and how motivated people are around the w