william marsh and gina martin. gina, william, great to have you both back. >> thank you. >> gina let me start with you. when we were talking with you before, the last time you were on the show you were telling us how obama care was very complicated, making it difficult to know if you got to that 50-level of employees that was going to throw you into a new realm. have things simplified? >> they are still confusing for sure. they aren't any better. here we sit again. we know we have that one-year extension since the last time we spoke. but really, things are not any better. we are still faced with just enormous cost increases for providing the health care that we provide. so we're really having to look at decisions in our business to see if we continue the health care coverage with the employees that we pay it for now because not only is health care insurance going up the regulations are going up. the unemployment taxes are going up. disability is going up. every single aspect of what we do keeps going up and up. >> h