not the basically the modern day atsic now which was the currency during the french revolution which of course is backed by the real estate of the the church and that went the same way that perhaps the revolutionary currency and times of the you can remember and during the french revolution the acid yop which is the currency of the time backed by real estate similarly you see has funds confiscating real skate through mortgage fraud in places like the united states and then trying to convince people of the dollar is now backed by hedge funds speculating in real estate so it's become the asset not of our day that famously crashed and then the france went into a deep dark frozen period of no growth whatsoever which is awaiting all except for those who are fortunate enough to have positions in bitcoin in gold and silver but now go back to bitcoin of course c. and b. c. and many finance. tweeters on twitter you know they only tweet about it when the price is either crashing or going up fast that's all they care about is what the value the price the exchange rate to the u.s. dollar is now