than three weeks ago"- and i'm quoting from the trib- "a 16-year-old girl was found abandoned, belt-whipped, and severely beaten in remote box elder northwest of salt lake city. the girl said she was trying to escape the seven-month-old forced marriage to her uncle- she reportedly was his 15th wife. you know, later you go over here to vicky prunty, who is one of the founders of this group tapestry of polygamy, and on her, she says after ten years and five children, prunty left her husband for a man who had two wives. it took her another four years of despair and depression for her to finally realize that she needed to break out of this. and what an interesting thing, it ends up with a quote from this woman who started this group to help women and children who are in polygamous mormon groups around the country. she says- very interesting from the doctrinal point of view- "i wish we could throw out organized religion." hmm. "i think it pits people against each another. but i have a great faith, and i believe it's in god, and i don't believe in fighting a battle i can't win." so she's- having