and congresswoman donna christianson, democart, the u.s. virgin island & a doctor herself. congressman, lance, i am confused at this point of the sort of republican objection from a approximately see standpoint is the idea that health insurance scum pans should not be able to cancel policies in the individual market? >> that is correct. and, that is the substance. first we want to make sure that the procedure works. which is the website. i want to work with the administration to make sure the website is up and running fully as quickly as possible, chris. >> well that's great. i think that is, everyone, who cares about it, feels that way. just to make sure i am understanding you. the republican, your position, republican party position is that private health insurance scum pa companies should not be canceling policies in the individual market. something they are not allowed to do? >> i think that those who are satisfied with their health care policies should be able to keep their health care approximately sees. that's what the president said repeatedly. unfortunately, in man