black companies, we can make the transportation committee and the lawyers just out of law school, fred gray, looked at the legal work. we decided, one other thing, fred, you believe in having a lot of meetings, i will do one thing. when we get through talking here tonight i am going to go and prepare a leaflet, make thousands of them and say another black woman has been arrested, the trial will be on monday, we will stay off of the buses during the day of the trial and ask everybody to do that. we assign to each other certain responsibilities. we got the word out to others about those three things happening. when the official meeting occurred on hope street, the afternoon after her arrest, martin luther king jr. was selected to be the spokesman and he was not present at the time he was elected. nixon was elected treasurer, rufus lewis was selected chairman of the transportation committee and the young lawyer just out of law school, was selected to be the lawyer for the movement. that is what happened. when the buses rolled on monday, very few, almost no black people were on those buses. whe