a kid like moike will need new prosthetics. >> that's correct, and adults will need them every three to five years. people in haiti who suffered amputations because of the earthquake or other reasons will need lifelong access to care. >> how many people in haiti do you think are affected? >> well, disability statistics tell us there's probably about 900,000 people in haiti with some kind of a disability. due to the earthquake we think there were about 2 to 4,000 amputees just after the event. >> and is it clear to you that you've reached everyone who could be helped? is it possible, we heard about the stigma in the communities, is it possible that the people just don't know that this help is available, that you're there to help? >> there may be people who still haven't accessed care. but i think when you have such a cataclysmic event like the earthquake with so many injured people it does tend to take away some of the stigma because you have a larging population who have disabilities directly related to the earthquake. >> i see so many people who have seen soledad's reports and say i