distanced himself from politics and was mostly involved with charities to see now has the largest orthodox cathedral in georgia. his construction was funded by in vanish really essentially been seen and vanish really was the only person with enough money and power to challenge second israeli on october the first two thousand and twelve georgians used their right to fight. just says that during second israelis rule georgians experience the biggest since world war two. in the last nine years almost three hundred thousand people have had some experience with georgia's penitentiary system they were either imprisoned or came in contact with this istomin some other way. our people have never been traumatized like this before. we are this poorest but the safest country but we paid an extremely high price for our safety. georgia has the highest number of prisoners per capita. lists of political prisoners longer than those in north korea and a fair bit of these facts are backed by european observers as well that. people enjoy just say that just ahead of the election many was swayed by for the age of torture