teacher and poet peter markus often prompts the students with a question. today, he worked off our theme, asking: where does poetry live? >> poems live in stars, waiting to be wished on. >> brown: it's part of an 18- year-old program called "inside/out" that sends professional writers into detroit's schools-- this year some 25 writers into 27 schools. when natasha trethewey and i arrived at marcus garvey recently, she recalled her own introduction to poetry in the third grade. >> i was writing poetry. and the librarian in my school took a group of my poems and bound them and put them in the library. >> brown: ah, a published poet? >> at third grade. ( laughs ) >> these questions that i ask you, is there only one right answer? >> no. >> brown: inside/out also turns its students into published poets, part of creating a sense of authorship and voice that peter markus says the program aims for. >> number one, i want to build confidence with a pencil in the hand, more than anything else. a lot of times i'll come into a classroom and i can just tell that early on