check out medicare, there is a simplicity and that gets us back to the rye kwlan plan, which is going to put -- can you imagine 50 million senior citizens on the version of health trying to figure out their health insurance. >> you're talking about five times more, at least the amount of people that are looking for insurance on the private stages now. but that's not the worst of it. you're taking people who are in the most likely -- and put them into the risk pool. so what you would be doing is you would be raising the rate. a it's almost impossible to imagine how expensive it would b. >> the official republican party, they all voted for it, from the majority report, thank you so much. >> i'm not going to ignore the mentally ill and i'm not going to ignore the drug addicted or veterans or very poor people on my watch. but that doesn't mean i embrace obama care because it's not right. >> that's republican governor of ohio sounding like a liberal. more on his interesting transformation ahead. [ female announcer ] did you know the average person smiles more than 50 times a day?