tuesday night in new york, ladies and gentlemen, i give you sheldon addleson. >> so you would supportegotiations with iran currently, as long as they forseized all enrichment of uranium? >> what are we going to negotiate about. what i see is, listen. do you see that desert out there. i want you to show you something. you pick up your cell phone, and there's a missile that goes in the middle of the desert that doesn't hurt a soul. maybe a couple of rattlesnakes and scorpions or whatever. and then you say, see, the next one is in the middle of tehran. so we mean business. you want to be wiped out. go ahead and take a tough position and continue with your nuclear development. you want to be peaceful? you want to be peaceful, just reverse it all and we will guarantee you you can have a nuclear power plant for electricity purposes. for energy purposes. >> so a tremendous demonstration of american strength, so they would get the message? >> the only thing they understand. >> okay. let's note a few things here. first of all, a nuclear strike on iran's desert would, in fact, almost certainly