so i've come to sherry turkle to try to explain how and why. she's a clinical psychologist who was one of the first to study the impact of computers on culture and society. a professor at m.i.t. and director of that school's initiative on technology and self, she's written several important books based on deep research and hundreds of interviews with children and adults alike. her most recent sums up her conclusions: "alone together: why we expect more from technology and less from each other." sherry turkle, welcome. >> pleasure to be here. >> i saw a video the other day that i want to share with you. it's now been seen 25 million times -- >> yes. >> on youtube. here it is. >> this guy, i'm not, i'm not -- >> wow. >> but like if you, it's not, it's not real -- >> i don't think it's real. i don't think it's real. >> maybe there's a -- >> did you guys see the lineup for cars -- wasted -- the empire state building is like, really close to it. >> what are you thinking as you look at that? >> well, i call it "alone together." that we're moving to a