steve horseford, a democrat from nevada, and luke mecir, from indiana. you both are fresh persons. >> baptism by fire, right? >> what a crazy way to start. let me start with you. we are already off to the same kind of thing. i hear from a lot of conservatives this president, you know, he never reaches out, he's a dictator, a tie rant. let me throw some facts and you tell me why many awrong. i don't see it that way at all. he has reached out. i remember when he got inaugurated, republicans met -- this is before the tea party before he had done anything and said we're going to block him on everything. i remember mcconnell say it's going to be a one-term presidency. i remember people yelling "you lie" i remember with the stimulus bill, he reached out, $republicans voted against tax cuts. health care bill, republican bill, romney-care. can you tell me, honestly -- >> don't let him get away with all of that. >> you'll havement of time to respond. don't you think the president has done anything right? can the republicans take responsibility for the tone? >> i