that was steven fincher, a republican from tennessee, who himself has taken nearly $3 and a half millionfrom taxpayers to subsidize the farm bill, the same program that helps the recipients of food stamps, more than four out of ten live in a household where someone works. many of those without a job desperately want one. elizabeth ferrera is a single mother with a master's degree. >> i need food stamps in order to provide, feed my three children, it is really hard to get a job out there. even though i have all the qualifications, they still don't hire all the people. >> this woman has to stay home to take care of her disabled 16-year-old daughter. >> my daughter is hungry, i have nothing to give her, it is very hard. you just have milk and have to warm it. you need money to go to school. >> abdul is one of thousands in new york alone who depends on food pantries to make ends meet. but because of the sequester, food pantries are already dealing with a 5% reduction, even as they see the needs for cuts to food stamps. >> their medicine is 5 to ten per prescription. you put that altogether,