book, this security man claimed he was there and went tr through what they considered a betting process and decided he was credible and put him on the air. i think they needed a new angle. they really needed this guy to be truthful and they were in the middle of this situation where you know, he was saying one thing to his boss and a different thing to them, but it was a credible reason for that, because he had left his villa when he was supposed to not go to the scene and what he told was a dramatic story and that added a lot of drama to what cbs wanted to report. >> even when the issues start to be raised, then on thursday, there's a "washington post" report, it follows this kind of classic cycle, which is ignore, deny, double down. >> yes. and i spoke to lara logan before it blew up and she was very adamant about how credible l this guy was. >> when you talked to her? >> yes, she said she believed in what he said and didn't think he had given two versions and the fbi report would prove that. that he gave the same report to the fbi that he gave to cbs and so, that became really the critical aspect with the fbi report. corroborates it.